Category: Uncategorized

  • NACK Summer Newsletter and New Contact Lists

    The Summer Newsletter has been added to the Library section and revised contact lists have been added to the Members Only Area. The lists are available in convenient .pdf format and also as a spreadsheet. Hal again has done a great job on the newsletter and Colin has a very interesting article on how he…

  • Open Paddle and Club Meeting at Captain Kayak Shop 7/24/2010

    OPEN PADDLE July 24th at 10:30 AM at Captain Kayak 23 River Road Sayville, NY 11782 Everyone Is Invited to Attend We are looking for anyone who is interested in paddling to join us. You must bring you own boat, paddle, some drinking water, & PFD (Personal Flotation Device, also known as a “Lifejacket”) and…

  • Summer Newsletter

    The deadline for the Summer Edition of the newsletter is fast approaching. Hal could use some fresh photos and articles. Send your contributions to so they can be included in the next edition. Let’s hear what you have been doing or plan to do over the summer.

  • Is your Hydration Bladder Empty

    Hydration packs are great, and you will drink more water. But be careful you are not empty! Always carry a separate container of water. You cannot see how much water is left in the bladder and they can leak/break.