Getting the most from Kayak Pool Sessions

Getting the most out of pool sessions. Pool time is expensive, so you will want to make as much as possible of the opportunity.  Here’s my list of 10.  I’m sure there’s more.  Your input and comments are welcome.

1 Arrive early. You will need time to unload and move boats, check in, get changed  etc

2 Take some time to warm up. You should stretch and limber up and maybe do a few yoga poses.

3 Plan your activities. Not just rolling, ten minutes of trying to roll can be exhausting.  Review your wet exit especially if you have a new or different boat or equipment.  In between try something different like a balance brace.  Have some alternatives, a plan B, to make the most of your time.

4 Make an equipment checklist. Nothing like getting to the pool without a paddle! You might not need sunscreen but you’ll probably need a PFD, spray skirt, nose plugs and goggles, lock for your locker and a towel to dry off. And don’t forget water to drink.  Strenuous activity can easily cause you to become dehydrated.

5 Try something different. If you ask, most paddlers are willing to let you try their kayak, paddle or PFD.

6 Team up with another paddler. Wet exits and dumping water from your boat is exhausting and time consuming. Safety considerations aside, peer practice can be very rewarding.

7 Take photos and video. There’s nothing like actually seeing yourself doing something.  When learning to roll I was shocked to see my position under water. There I was, sitting bolt upright instead of set-up, curled upward to the water surface.  No way that’s going to work.

8 Seek instruction if available. An experienced instructor will often be able to give pointers to help improve skills and avoid common mistakes.  We often think we’re doing something right when a trained observer can see that we’re not doing what we think we are doing.

9 Did I mention arrive early? See #1

10 Most important, have fun and enjoy the clean, warm water! And no jellyfish!


One response to “Getting the most from Kayak Pool Sessions”

  1. One more item you need to add:

    Make certain your kayak is clean inside and out….before you arrive. No way it’s going in the pool filled with leaves or covered in eel grass!