A collection of links of interest to kayakers. Email [email protected] with your suggestions.
American Canoe Association (ACA)
Local Kayak Shops
Captain Kayak Sayville & Southampton
Empire Kayaks Island Park
Dinghy Shop Amityville
Peconic Paddler Riverhead
ACA Certified Kayak Instruction
Changing Tides Paddle Craft Elizabeth O’Connor, Kayak Instruction & Tours
Kayak Waveology Greg Paquin, BCU Instruction and Rough Water Specialist
Sea Kayak Skills & Adventures Elizabeth O’Connor, Kayak Instruction & Tours
Tuktu Paddles Chris Raab Kayak Instruction/Greenland Paddles
University of Sea Kayaking Wayne Horodowich/ USK DVDs
Local Kayak Clubs
Yonkers Paddling and Rowing Club
General Interest
Paddling.net General Kayak Info & Classified Ads
QajaqUSA Traditional Greenland Skills and Qajaqs
Downtown Boathouse Free Kayaking in Manhattan
Hudson River Watertrail Association
Delaware River Sojourn Adventure on the Delaware River
Kayak & Camping Equipment
Eastern Mountain Sports Carle Place CLOSED
REI Carle Place
NRS Internet Orders and at Local Shops
The Environment
Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center of the Hamptons
WindyTY Detailed visual wind, waves, weather information