Category: Announcements

  • NACK Summer Kayak Schedule

    The NACK Summer Schedule is now available.  Trips, practice sessions, training opportunities, ACA assessments and the Founders Day Outreach/Paddle are included.

  • ACA Recognizes NACK for our Support of Kayak Safety & Education

    Thanks to Gordon’s proposal to donate $300 to the ACA to help support ACA’s Education, Recreation and Stewardship efforts, which was approved by our board of directors at the March board meeting, NACK was recognized by the ACA. Our proposal was highlighted in this month’s SEI Focus (An electronic Newsletter highlighting Safety Education & Instruction…

  • Kayak Navigation and Long Island Paddling Books added to NACK Library

    Three new books have been added to the North Atlantic Canoe & Kayak Library.   All books are available to members at regular meetings. Exploring East End Waters by Mike Bottini has been described as the most comprehensive guide to kayaking and canoeing on the East End of Long Island. From the Peconic River to Block…

  • Greenland Kayak Techniques On-Water Exhibition, Sunday, May 30 at pier 66

    For those of you in town for the long weekend, this mini-preview of the Hudson River Greenland Festival looks like an interesting diversion. QajaqUSA and NYRiverSports invite you to an on-water demonstration of traditional Greenlandic paddling skills: On Sunday May 30th, at 2:00 PM, members of QajaqUSA, the American Chapter of Qaannat Kattuffiat (The Greenland…

  • Spring 2010 Schedule Updated

    An updated version of the NACK Spring Schedule of kayak training, trips, classes, practice sessions and meetings  is now available here and on the schedule page.

  • NACK Spring Newsletter Now Online

    The Spring 2010 Newsletter is now available. Read about Inter-Coastal Skill Assessment, ACA Training Week at Lake Sebago, the New Jersey Paddlesport Symposium, Outfitting your kayak and more.


    GREENLAND PADDLE MAKING  6/6/10 Come join us for a creative adventure and carve your own Greenland paddle. This paddle will be made to your measurement and therefore will be the perfect size for you. Chris Raab of Tuktu Paddles will be presenting an all day workshop on June 6. He will supply all the necessary…

  • Kayak Show and Kayak Demo Days at the Dinghy Shop

    Saturday and Sunday, April 24 and 25, 2010 the Dinghy Shop in Amityville,  New York, will have all their kayaks available for on water paddling.  This is your chance to get down there and try the boats.  Demos will run from 10AM until 5 PM each day.  The shop is located at 334 South Bayview…